js isie

I worry that things using has("ie") should be using proper feature tests, and that making ie11 go into branches where the implication is made will cause future pain. ... I think you guys should change sniff.js to use the "Trident" toke

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  • I want to bounce users of our web site to an error page if they're using a version of ...
    ... - Detect IE version (prior to v9) in JavaScript - Stack ...
  • I worry that things using has("ie") should be using proper feature tests, and th...
    #17311 (has("ie") fails with IE11) – Dojo Toolkit
  • Note: this meta tag needs to be added very early for IE to take it into account, probably ...
    Bug #55774: ExtJS 3.4.1 does not recognize IE 11 as Internet ...
  • var isIE = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1); 1 Protopop reacted to th...
    Detect Internet Explorer with Javascript - Coding and Game ...
  • When I try to use Ext.isIE in IE11 i get false the returning value. And then during the de...
    extjs - Ext.isIE return false in IE 11 - Stack Overflow
  • Yep, another way to do it and hopefully compliments the methods already out there, which i...
    GitHub - davesmithsisIE: JavaScript to detect Internet ...
  • <!--IE浏览器兼容--> <script language="javascript"> function ie()var isIE=...
    javascript判断IE浏览器的版本 - cbwcwy - 博客园
  • Provides class-style Object Oriented and AJAX, freely distributable under the terms of an ...
    Prototype JavaScript Framework - Official Site
  • 用 javascript 判斷 IE 版本號 專案中需要判斷IE版本號,又因為 jQuery 2.0 去除了對流覽器版本號的判斷(它推薦特性檢測),於是就看到一老外寫的一段代碼: ...
    大肆行銷設計資訊 Dazz.co - 用 javascript 判斷 IE 版本號
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